Tag Archives: St. Mother Cabrini

St. Mother Cabrini, British Columbia, our prayer list, and Pilgrimage


Visiting Beautiful British Columbia is hard to match with the beautiful prayer hikes I was so fortunate to take… but the surprise of my trip happened in Colorado on the way home at St. Mother Cabrini’s Shrine located just west of Denver. My sister and mom recommended I go and see it as I have driven past this shrine many times and never paid a visit… I not sure why but I never did… Until now!

What a gift this place of prayer is…. It is like a mini Medjugorje with the church, the mountain hike with the stations of the Cross and a large statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on top to greet you… Mother Cabrini was a marvelous woman who followed God by taking care of orphans in the Denver area…

She purchased this beautiful property high above Denver for a place for the orphans to go away on retreat. Just like with Lourdes, she and her sisters dug for a water well and they miraculously hit a spring that has provided water for this shrine ever since.

Without planning anything, I ended up meeting several people that have been to Medjugorje and one woman that had predicted an earthquake that occured only 2 hours after taking with her on the phone.. I brought this up on an earlier post.

We all got together at the base of the hill and prayed for Lelia Moran’s complete healing and for everyone else on our prayer list. We also prayed for all those affected by the fires, hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural and man-made disasters going on in our world today. 
It was truly quality prayer-time! We then proceeded up the mountain to do the stations of the cross where I offered up a prayer for Lelia and all on our prayer list at each station. I felt like I was back in Medjugorje!

On top, at the large statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I was overwhelmed with the smell of flowers. I thought it was just me but then another person said they also smelled the flowers before I said anything… All the flowers on top were dead from the cold fall temperatures. I have only had this experience a few times before, once in a church while praying the Rosary. I feel confident that Mary was there with us in our presence… The power of the Holy Spirit was also really present…

This was a short but wonderful pilgrimage that I will most certainly do again, soon! God Bless everyone!