Update for Lelia and Patrick G
Lelia’s mom Rebecca recently let me know that Lelia’s surgery is next Wednesday, September 20th, at 6 am. Rebecca wanted us to know that her family appreciates our commitment to her daughter. They are praying that the spot on Lelia brain is just radiation changes.
We are all helping their family carry this brutally painful cross through our prayers and love for Lelia, just as Simon of Cyrene did for Jesus when Our Lord could not go on any further at Calvary because of His great suffering and pain and His shedding of blood for our sins….
Please remember to mark your calendars and pray that all will be well and perfect for Lelia and her family…
Yesterday I received word from our friend Kate Convery to pray for a young lad named Patrick G who was involved in a serious car accident. At the time Patrick was not responsive in critical care. Today, Patrick seems to be doing a little better and is now conscious.
Kate Convery sent me an updated message as follows:
“I recieved a message from his sister to say they took the pipe out of the ventilator last night and he is breathing on his own but the nurse is beside him 🙏
🙏 he is recovering slowly with good sign thank you so much for yours prayers god bless you and our lady look over and protect you Amen!”
Praise you Jesus! Patrick has received many prayers and God is answering them!
I’ve also read that Patrick may need surgery so our prayers are still greatly needed!
I went up last night again to the high mountains to Pray for all on the prayer list with special emphasis on Lelia and Patrick.
I really felt God’s presence through his beautiful creation surrounding me. It was at beautiful alpine meadow with a small stream running through it. I could feel God’s great love coming through for those who are suffering. I will continue to keep praying to our Most High God with the help of all your prayers and through the intercession of Our Lady to her Son Jesus… God Bless!
#prayforlelia #Prayer #Medjugorje #Mary #jesus #God #Christian