While praying for all the requests during the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary (given to us by St. John Paul ii), the thought of consecrating ourselves to the Blessed Mother as a means to answered prayers was overwhelming. The more I prayed for others, the more this thought kept coming up into my heart and mind.

There was also a sense of urgency to this – that we all need to do this soon. I am not very versed in this subject and have only heard of this before when referring to Mary’s request in Fatima that Russia be consecrated to her Immaculate heart. I did some research this morning and came up with a 33 day prayer that ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT designed for this consecration to Jesus through Mary which would be the most beneficially to include both Jesus and Mary.

I certainly pray and hope those of you who are called to do this in your hearts will find time to do this. It looks like a serious commitment of time and effort but just getting started and doing it when we can would be better than not doing it at all. A qualified start time for this confirmation was August 13 as it requires  that we start it on a certain number of days before Mary’s next feast day which is Our Lady of Sorrows. See the link for details.  A number of us have already started this Consecration.  I think our understanding  God would allow you to play a little catch up and join in as the next starting date won’t be for another month. 

Below is a link to the  Consecration to Jesus through Mary –


The attached picture was taken on a recent evening prayer hike. 
The cotton ball clouds with the beautiful Columbine wildflowers along with Mary’s picture and the now weathered, growing prayer list, all in the Rock Mountains above 12k, was a beautiful backdrop for prayer! God Bless you all!


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