Crosses, Sunsets & Sinners:  A Brother and Sister’s Medjugorje Journey,  is available in paperback and a cost effective ebook edition as well. It is available on (US, Canada, Mexico, UK, and the EU), and will be available soon on Barnes & Noble, and everywhere books are sold. If they don’t stock it just ask for it by the ISBN.  

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Click on short video featuring footage from the author’s son and his cousin filmed while in Medjugorje recently.  Medjugorje is a great place for youth!

Medjugorje Video Clip


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In 1982 immediately after finishing the Novena to the Holy Spirit, the award-winning author, Patrick Dillon, had a brief vision of a woman who dramatically changed his life.

On June 24, 1981 in the small village of Medjugorje, in former Yugoslavia, six children claimed Mary appeared to them eventually sharing potentially world-changing secrets including an urgent call for humanity to return back to God. The apparitions still occurring today include messages from Our Lady to the world.

In May 1990 in their early 20s, with little money, God made it possible for Patrick and his sister to make a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. While there, they experienced miraculous life-changing events. More importantly, they fell in love with Jesus who showed them, through His Mother Mary, a place that welcomes all people and faiths, regardless of religious denomination or belief, the wonderful love of a Father God in the form of a Heaven on Earth.

The author intimately shares his family’s triumphs and many challenges that were overcome by the power of prayer before, during, and after their Medjugorje experience. It is Patrick‘s hope that the reader will be encouraged by this remarkable journey of faith and will realize that help is here, right now!

About Author

Patrick Dillon was born in the small mountain town of Durango, Colorado. He loves the outdoors and spends as much time as possible enjoying God’s beautiful creation.

He is an internationally published landscape photographer focusing his efforts in the beautiful San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado, the Desert Southwest, and the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada. His works can be found online at

Patrick has also published the award-winning book, Steadfast Christian – A Higher Call To Faith, Family, and Hope, which was inspired in part by his Medjugorje experience.

He graduated from Metropolitan State University with a combined bachelor’s degree in environmental science and real estate finance. He followed his dad’s and grandpa’s footsteps with a career in general contracting combined with real estate, respectively. He continues with his studies in science as a hobby and is passionate about the well being of his faith, family, and country. Patrick and his family currently reside in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Southwest Colorado.


For more information, speaking request inquires for youth groups, churches, or general audiences or other requests,

Please click on this Contact tab to reach the author. 



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Amazon Reviews by our Customers:


January 28, 2018

Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase


on 14 December 2017
I really enjoyed this book immensely and I found I could relate to so much, what Patrick experienced whilst in Medjugorje. Whether you have been or not been to Medjugorje doesn’t matter, Patrick will make it come alive for you, either journeying with him for the first time or reliving your own journey again.
I love the way, he not only writes about his own and his sister’ experience whilst there but on how it changed and enriched them both on returning home.
Patrick draws you into his ‘world’ and his family in a very real and lovely way, which gives the book a personal touch that you instantly feel part of. It is very well written in a way that once started, it’s hard to put down. As he leads you through the pages, intertwining events that were happening whilst in Medjugorje, with his past and his family, then slowly he draws you in, to get a sense of the ‘real’ Patrick.
I also like the way he shares, how his personal spiritual life has grown over the years, especially post Medjugorje.
If you’ve never been to Medjugorje, you’ll be booking your tickets after you put the book down! and if you have, you’ll be longing to return. Great book, great author. I’ll be recommending it to all my friends and family.
Josie Fearnley.
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on 6 August 2017

This is a passionate personal account of a visit to Međugorje before boom time in the pigrimmage business, when life was still very simple in this town. It’s lovely to hear the account of the authors journey there and the descriptions of the place so close to the start of the phenomena.

The book is really in two parts, the personal narrative and experiences of the author which is heartfelt and moving. You need not believe in Međugorje, Catholicism or even Christianity to be  moved and touched by the story. I’m none of these and loved this part.

The other part of the book is more of a reflection on how the author’s theology has developed and, while I’m sure this is interesting enough to the faithful, was of less interest to me. It did not detract from the book too much though.So 4 stars for a really creditable story that I enjoyed and because the theology did not intrude on the main point of interest too much!

on November 15, 2017
This is a beautiful book! The author is so passionate in his Christian beliefs that one would think he’s into sainthood. I love the way the book was written in a very simple and straightforward manner. As a result, it made it very easy to read. The reader will enjoy the author’s experiences in his journey thru life. I definitely endorse and recommend this lovely book to everyone!

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on July 19, 2017
For those interested in Medjugorje or readers who are already devotees of this special place, this book is a heartfelt testimony of a trip the author took to Medjugorje nearly 30 years ago, on the eve of the Bosnian war, and not only the many experiences and graces he and his sister received then, but the continuing influence of the experience on his life and family ever since. Filled with interesting stories from the trip (including being buzzed by military helicopters and witnessing a life-changing sunset atop Cross Mountain), this book is easy to read and comes alive with the honest, passionate, humorous voice of its author. The family relationships he recounts are quite moving, especially the bond he has with his sister. Written over many years, despite continuing obstacles, this book is truly a labor of love, and a timely addition to the growing literature about Medjugorje.

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on July 14, 2017
I just received my copy of CROSSES, SUNSETS, AND SINNERS, and I wasn’t able to put it down until I finished reading it! The pages are filled with powerful spiritual insight and personal stories from the author that were real, raw, and beautiful! I have a Masters in Writing and teach college English, and I have the opportunity to read a great deal of work from various people, and I was delighted that the author of this book was able to effectively convey his passion and speak from his heart on every page through his excellent writing voice. I found myself laughing and crying, sometimes both, with the stories about him and his family, particularly those relating to his adventures in Medjugorje. You will feel like you know the author and his family well when you are finished reading. The book not only inspired me to have an even deeper relationship with Jesus and Mary, but it also gave me much to ponder about my walk with the Lord. CROSSES, SUNSETS, and SINNERS, also contains a lot of history associated with the apparitions in Medjugorje and its influence in our world, so in addition to being very entertained, I learned a great deal as well. I highly recommend this book, to anyone, but especially those who want to know more about Medjugorje, those who aren’t sure yet what they believe about it, or anyone who is desiring to grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus and Mary. Truly the best and most captivating book I have read about this Heaven on Earth!
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on July 23, 2017
I found the book very enjoyable and inspiring by the author’s passion! It was very well written and I felt like I was there with them. Their many adventures, some miraculous, were very moving and I also loved how the family was interwoven in their story and how it changed both their lives and those around them. I loved the fact that there were passwords found throughout the book revealing additional pictures and audio of their journey. As a result of reading thIs book, my husband and I are planning a trip to Medjugorje next year. I highly recommend this book.

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on July 30, 2017
I am not an avid reader, but once I started reading this book, I could not put it down. While reading it I felt like I was experiencing the adventures myself. You can tell the author really done some deep research, and knew and felt what he was writing. I especially love the way his personal life, and that of his family were enter twined with the spiritual aspect. His relationship with his sister and his father brought me to tears, which is a great story in itself. If you cannot make the trip to Medjugorje there is no better way to experience it than reading this book. A truly, truly brilliant writer that writes from the heart.
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on August 20, 2017
Blessings all around while reading this book! Profound vision & wisdom. Our Blessed Virgin Mary is pleading for our salvation! How kind and loving she is. All we have to do is listen & act! Awesome read!

Medjugorje Strong!